DIRrebreather Natal and Protee expedition

Tekdiving.nl // 2 August

We returned from a DIRrebreather expedition to La Ciotat (France) to dive the Natal (a liner @ 120 mtrs) and Protee (submarine @ 120 mtrs) (17 - 21 June 2012).

DIRrebreather team

The participants were:

Eveline Verdier on Megalodon (France)

Alexandre Fox on Evolution (France)

Franck Gentille on Evolution (France) 

Vic Verlinden on Inspiration (Belgium)

Drazen Goricki on Megalodon (Croatia)

Marco Valenti on Hammerghead (Italy)

Christoph Brieger on Megalodon (Germany)

Armando Ribeiro on Inspiration (Portugal)

Pim van der Horst on Megalodon (Netherlands)

In total we dived four days and a total of 28 dives were made. The dive conditions were exceptional: great viz, no wind. Drazen and Alex made pictures. Unfortunaletly the buttons on the camera of Vic didn't work (because of the depth). Armando made video footage.